Hypothyroid Care at home

To slow the spread of COVID-19, Public health experts and the CDC encourage social distancing to keep sick people from contact with healthy people in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

You can still get your needed hypothyroid care while you stay home to protect yourself and others.

Do you have enough medication to last a month?

Make sure you have enough thyroid medications or other medications to last at least a month or more in case you need to self-quarantine, or there are shortages of your medication

  • If you can't get approved refills through your insurance, consider paying out of pocket for refills.
  • There are many free services to find the best self-pay price for your medication in your area or by mail order: SingleCare, GoodRx.
  • If you can't or don't want to go to a retail pharmacy, you can use a mail order pharmacy such as Pillpack or Honeybee Health.
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Relax and Prioritize Sleep

One of the most important steps in reducing Hashimoto's flares is stress reduction. Did you know that when your body is stressed, it sends distressed signals that negatively affect your immune sytem?

thyroid hormone for hypothyroidism

Get your thyroid tested from home

If you want to stay away from your doctor's office or a lab and if you’re due for a routine blood test, our at-home thyroid test kit can help you understand how your thyroid is working and if there is a need for further evaluation.

Pain-free home testing

Analyzed by a CLIA certified lab

Can be used by any doctor

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Explore your telehealth options

Find out your telehealth options. Many doctors and HMOs are quickly ramping up their ability to provide consultations by telephone or video chat/televideo.

States are changing their laws to help patients and doctors.

To help reduce the spread of coronavirus, you can stay home and still connect with the best thyroid doctors in the country via telemedicine using Paloma Health.

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hypothyroidism online treatment
thyroid hormone for hypothyroidism

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Join the Paloma Private Community to maintain connections and get emotional support in these uncertain times.

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Learn More about Paloma Health

Paloma Health is thyroid care done differently. Top rated thyroid doctors empowered by advanced technology deliver preventive, personalized care to our patients anytime, anywhere.

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